Gender: Little GIRL!! Check out her first little pair of shoes she got from my BFF, Ashley! Super cute even though I don't really love pink, I'm growing to like it more and more with all the cute little girly things I find.
Total weight gain: Starting weight: 127 lbs. Current weight: 152 lbs. Total weight gain: 25lbs.
Maternity clothes? I am wearing a mix of maternity clothes and my own still. The belly band has made me feel less fat as it allows me to wear my favorite "regular" jeans without buttoning them. It is a "must have". I have noticed it is especially hard to find formal maternity dresses. I have a wedding to go to soon and I couldn't find a single dress that was flattering. Most dresses are ugly and they all are black, which I normally wouldn't mind but I want some color in my life. So, I'm stuck with a dress that I just bought in a BIGGER size that is not maternity.
Sleeping Habits: So, I am back to getting up in the middle of the night for a stroll to the bathroom, gotta love the active bladder. My little brother just moved in with us for the summer, so hubby and I are back to sleeping together, we'll see how long this lasts.
Best moment this week: This past week, my family was able to hear our daughter's heartbeat with our heart monitor. Everyone was super excited, especially my dad :) Another favorite moment was that I got to baptize my childhood friend's daughter making me a "God-mother"!
Movement: Baby Weller loves to kick me in my ribs at times. She lays low and has been treating me well.
Belly Button in or out? I'm still an inny. My belly button ring is still gone, although from time to time I check to see if the hole is closed yet--it is not.
What I miss: I'm starting to miss blue cheese with my wings, on my salad, and on my burger. I still want a beer...I keep telling myself I will be able to have one soon :)
Food Cravings/Aversions: No Aversions. I don't really crave things but I enjoy eating lots of fruit, drinking lots of water and I still love my occasional sweets which usually consist of cookies or something chocolate.
28 weeks preggo-Photo taken by Ashley Jacobsen Photography (http://www.ashleyjacobsenphotography.com/).
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